Updated: Best tablet 2013

Updated: Best tablet 2013
Updated: Best tablet 2013: our top 10 ranking

Best tablets: 10-6

What's the best tablet for 2013? Today's latest tablets compared and rated - constantly updated
Tablets are taking the world by storm. Just a few years ago they were an unknown for many people, but nowadays you've got more choice than you can shake a mildly agitated badger at.
And with choice comes decisions - difficult decisions. Do you eschew Apple's high prices, join the Android brigade and find the best iPad alternative? Or do you give in to near-perfection and the get the new iPad?
Luckily we've made it easy for you and pulled together the top 10 tablets of the moment available in the UK. We'll keep this listing constantly updated as new players enter the market and the older ones fizzle out.
As well as reading our comprehensive feature, you can also check out our top 10 tablets video below.
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Quick verdict

Sure, it's a mite expensive, the screen quality is lower than we've seen from Samsung in the past and the build quality somewhat lower than the competition, but this is still a fabulous tablet that many workers constantly forced to use a paper and pen will love to try out.

  • Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 review
  • Compare Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 prices

8. Microsoft Surface Pro

Microsoft Surface Pro
We've been waiting for Microsoft Surface Pro for a while but it's finally upon us, although it will set you back a fair few bob.
With a higher resolution screen than the Surface RT, and running the full blown version of Windows 8 the Surface Pro is kinder on the eyes and more powerful under hand, making for a potent, portable offering.
Making your mind up about the Surface Pro is less about what it is and what it does and more about what you want out of a tablet. As a hybrid PC it's an undeniable compromise - but that's no bad thing.
FutTv : sJ04HQfPX249e

Quick verdict

The Google Nexus 10 is easily one of the best Android tablets on the market and while it's not quite as fantastic value for money as the Nexus 7, it certainly gives Apple's high-priced iPad 4 a run for its money. For the price you're paying, you won't be disappointed.
  • Nexus 10 review

Number 4: iPad 4

4. iPad 4

New iPad 3
We're not a fan of the name, but we reckon the new iPad 4 is the best full sized tablet out there.
The stunning Retina Display is certainly the highlight of Apple's latest tablet, and you won't see a better tablet screen on the market today.
It may be slightly bigger and heavier than the iPad 2, but with a bigger battery, beefed up processor and THAT screen, you can hardly blame Apple for this – plus it still keeps the famous iPad styling that has become something of a cult classic.
The price tag is eye-watering, however, and the lack of widgets and customisation will put some people off, but there are plenty of Android tablets that can satisfy your need for tweaking.
The Android experience cannot compete when it comes to dedicated apps, with the App Store rising head and shoulders above the competition, offering reams of quality applications made especially for the iPad.
FutTv : sx86F8p7z0YbZ

Quick verdict

With a super slim chassis, impressive screen and whole glut of Sony extras on board, the Xperia Tablet Z is one of the finest pieces of kit we've seen in 2013. Its quality abounds the moment you take it out your bag, and the speedy internals and impressive weight are enough for us to recommend it wholeheartedly.
  • Sony Xperia Tablet Z review

New tablets 2013 - what's coming up?

New tablets 2013 - what's coming up?

This top 10 of tablets is by no means the be all and end all. There are plenty of new tablets to get excited about this year, which could challenge the iPad mini for top spot.
If none of the tablets in our top 10 take your fancy then maybe you will be enticed by the ones we could see later this year.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 didn't get a big, fancy launch event, instead being quietly announced via the firm's website.
Packing a 7-inch display, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 8GB and 16GB storage options, microSD slot, 3MP rear camera and 1.3MP front camera it's not going to set the world alight, but if Samsung get its pricing right we could have a budget winner on our hands.

Asus Padfone Infinity

Asus Padfone Infinity
We've had the Padfone and the Padfone 2, so what's next in line, the Padfone 3? No, don't be silly it's the Asus Padfone Infinity of course!
The Infinity is a thing of beauty. It's not for everyone but many of us do have a use-case for it. If you have a tablet yet find yourself using more things on your phone then Asus believes you'll be in its Padfone queue.
  • Hands on: Asus Padfone Infinity review

BlackBerry PlayBook 2

BlackBerry PlayBook
Not to be confused with the PlayBook 2.0 software upgrade for BlackBerry's initial tablet, the PlayBook 2 is set to run the new BB10 software Blackberry spent a year and a half developing.

All credit's to the http://www.techgig.com/tech-news/

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